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How has Global Understanding program influenced students' perception of their own and other cultures?


We are pleased to announce that this year Global Partners in Education Journal (GPEJ) will be hosting a Student Essay Contest. All students, past and present, who have taken part in Global courses (Global Understanding, Global Climate Change, Global Leadership, Global English) are eligible to submit a reflective essay addressing the following question:

How has the Global Understanding experience helped prepare you for your future personal and professional goals?  Describe how this program has influenced your perceptions of your own culture and other cultures.

Essays should not exceed 750 words, be double spaced with 1 inch margins and in either .doc, .docx, or .rtf format. They should clearly indicate:
·        Student’s Name
·        Faculty Sponsor’s Name
·        Home Institution
·        Major/Area of Study

Essays will be assessed by the Editorial Board of Global Partners in Education Journal. Acknowledging that most students participating will not have English as a first language, student essays will primarily be judged on content and insightfulness. The quality of English, however, will be considered in that the essays must be understandable by our international readership.

The top 3 essays will be published in the Fifth Issue of Global Partners in Education Journal due out in April 2015. The names of all those who submitted will be listed in the 5th issue. Participating students will also receive a special certificate.

All students willing to participate, please contact dr Chris Brighton: [email protected]

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