Winter Camp
Physical Education Department
You may treat this camp as part of your PE credit (you need to talk with your teacher about that).
Dates: 2 - 8.01.2014r. (7 days)
Place: Internat Zespołu Szkół Publicznych nr 2 in Ustrzyki Dolne, Dobra 2 street
Accomodation and other required cotst: 560 zł (+ 40 zł students without valid KU AZS card ), 175 zł ski lifts.
Departure on 2.01.2012 hour: 10.00 parking of Sports and Entertainment Hall on Bursaki street.
Confirmation of payment for camp should be send on this email: [email protected]
not later than on 20th of December.
If you have KU AZS card, it's necessery to show it on camp.
Camps are organised by KU AZS on Rector's commision.
Data required for payments:
KU AZS PWSZ ul. Wyspiańskiego 20
GETIN bank : 66 1560 1195 2340 0640 2005 0001
with a note:
Name and Surname, coruse and year of studies
(for example Zbigniew Nowak I WF s)