Zarządzenie nr 14/16
Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej im. Stanisława Pigonia w Krośnie
z dnia 17 maja 2016 roku
w sprawie uczestnictwa pracowników i studentów
w XVII Krośnieńskich Juwenaliach – Dniach Kultury Studenckiej
Na prośbę Samorządu Studenckiego, w związku z XVII Krośnieńskimi Juwenaliami - Dniami Kultury Studenckiej, zarządzam w dniach 19 maja br. od godz. 15.00 i w dniu 20 maja br. odbywanie zajęć dydaktycznych w
On Monday, 25th April, we meet to commemorate 400 years since the death of William Shakespeare. We will have an opportunity to see an excellent Digital Theatre production of Much Ado About Nothing, starring David Tennant and Catherine Tate.
You are all very welcome to this special evening.
Production details at www.digitaltheatre.com/production/details/much-ado-about-nothing-tennant-tate/play
Join us for the event celebrating Shakespeare’s work!
Koło Naukowe Filologii Angielskiej zaprasza studentów FA do udziału w szkoleniu PASE w ramach II Europejskiego Kongresu Języków Obcych, Warszawa, 13-15 maja 2016. Opłata konferencyjna oraz przejazd w obie strony dla 4 uczestników zostaną pokryte z budżetu Koła Naukowego.
Wszystkich chętnych prosimy o kontakt z opiekunem koła mgr Karoliną Zajdel
[email protected]
Szczegóły o Kongresie:
Zapraszamy wszystkich zainteresowanych nauczaniem w systemie Distance Learning na Webinarium SOLE prezentujące nową platformę edukacyjną.
Join us for the Second Annual Global Issues Conference (GIC2) that will take place from April 4-7.
Students from Peru, Poland, Russia, France, Kyrgyzstan, China and the US will present and discuss their original research in a series of panels that will be held throughout the week in Sabameeting, an online webmeeting application.
Session topics include immigration and migration, women and gender issues, global education, business and tourism, language and the arts to name a few. Both students a
The students of Krosno State College Year 2 English and Spanish Specialisation are working with their colleagues in East Carolina University USA on a virtual co-taught course in Global English. For 5 weeks, the Krosno students and the ECU students follow the same curriculum and topics. The course looks at American and British accents and dialects, variations of English around the world and the future of English as a Global Language.
On 22nd March 2016, as part of the class on English in China
St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland
St. Patrick’s Day or Lá Fhéile Pádraig in the Irish language, is the name given to the feast day of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. Every year on the 17th of March, St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated throughout the island of Ireland and of course many other places in the world, for example New York is well known for its large parade and celebrations on St. Patrick’s Day.
We celebrate St. Patric więcej