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Global Issues Conference 5 > Call for Papers 2020


Worldwide, March 30th to April 3rd, 2020

Call for Papers

Global Issues Conference 5 will facilitate discussions on a wide range of topics which impact people across the world. The conference is for original presentations that explore the interconnected nature of the global arena today and encourage the sharing of local opinions.

GIC-5 is open to students and instructors from institutions in the GPE organization.


Conference Format

During the weeklong virtual conference, there will be multiple thematic sessions to allow presenters in different time zones to participate. The conference will operate online and enable faculty and students to give a truly global perspective on a variety of issues.

Presentations should be no more than 15 minutes in length and given in English.

Selected presentations will be published in a special edition of the GPEJ.


Call for Participation

As the GPE encompasses a wide range of academic disciplines and interests, the session topics provide a global perspective. We encourage presenters to deliver original presentations based on research and following academic standards.

GIC-5 asks for presentations on the following topics:

• International Business and Economics

• Global Environmental Issues

• World Health Issues

• Global Education and/or Methodology

• Global English and Global Communication

• International Politics

• Global Social Challenges

• Global Popular Culture


Guidelines for Presenters

• Your presentation should be based on research that interests you.

• Find a suitable topic which fits the themes of the conference.

• Students should work with a faculty supervisor to ensure their work is of an acceptable academic standard.

• Search for information in your library or on the internet.

• Create a thesis statement which explains your main idea, informs the reader what the presentation will talk about and makes a statement which your work will defend or explain.

• Decide how you will explore your thesis: Will you use material from other books and articles to explain your idea? Or will you create a survey or observational study to collect information?

• At the end, give a conclusion about what you have found and how it connects to your thesis.


GIC-5 Submission Form

To register and submit your submission, click to follow the link to the online submission form:

Please complete the required information, including a 100-150-word outline of your proposed topic by February 16th, 2020.

Successful participants will be notified by March 1st, 2020 of their inclusion in the conference.


If you have any questions, please email [email protected]

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